Levolux was invited to develop a spectacular custom external screening solution at The Londoner Hotel in Leister Square. The bespoke solution incorporated numerous Levolux products including the signature Infiniti® System.
500 Broadway, Santa Monica, USA
PROJECTLigniti Screening solutionAt 500 Broadway, Santa Monica, USA Levolux provided a movable screening solution in order to provide personalised...
619 Queen Street West, Toronto
Devastated by fire in 2008, 619 Queen Street West in Toronto was dramatically revived, Levolux offering part of that revival in providing a custom perforated screening solution.
West Car Park, Boston Logan International Airport
Levolux designed and supplied its Infiniti Secret-Fix Aluminium Aerofoil fin system to provide architectural and solar screening to a 10 storey car park at Boston Logan International Airport in Massachusetts.
Vijay Patel Building, Leicester De Montford University
Levolux designed, supplied and installed a range of Infiniti fin solar shading solutions at De Montford University in Leicester. The solutions include Infiniti Aluminium Aerofoil Fins and PV integrated Glass Fins.
Two Forbury Place, Reading
Levolux returned to the Forbury Place office development in Reading to design, supply and install an almost identical solar shading and screening solution as that installed at One Forbury Place.