Henry’s November Challenge


Our Commercial Director Henry Bareham will be doing a November Challenge in aid of Cancer Research UK...

‘I will undertake a November challenge in aid of charity. This year I’m hoping to raise as much money as possible for Cancer Research UK. I’ve chosen this charity as cancer has affected my life, members of my family and friends, as well as clients and colleagues. This indiscriminate disease affects many of us either directly or indirectly, as such I’d like to offer support, and I’d welcome you to join me.’

The Challenge

I’ve made this year a bit more daunting than last year’s challenge. I’ve added to the list of last year’s activity, so throughout November, on a daily basis, I will do the following:

  1. Run 5km
  2. Cycle 5km
  3. 100 push ups
  4. 100 Sit ups

Daily times for the run and bike will be posted via levolux.com/hschallenge (thanks also to all teams support) along with the occasional LinkedIn post. I’ll also be asking for feedback and input via updates and polls in guessing how long it will take on average per week for the 5km bike ride and run – what my fastest time for the run will be etc. Just to stimulate awareness and involve as many as possible.

Thanks also to IST Fitness (www.istfitness.com) who will be providing additional support in promotion and the occasional stretching session!

I will be doing this mainly in the gym with occasional outdoor runs too, fingers crossed no gym closures due to Covid lockdowns!

Whatever you can offer in terms of support will be greatly appreciated

Donations can be offered via my Just Giving page: www.justgiving.com/Henry-Bareham3


For more information